Welfare Benefits to Illegal Immigrants With Anchor Babies

American flag with a silhouette of a pregnant woman in front of it
Photo Credit: East LA Gazette

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that: All persons born or naturalized in the U.s.a. and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the Usa and of the State wherein they reside. This means that if a mother is present in the U.S. when a child is born, then the child… THE. CHILD… is a U.S. citizen. Put a pin in this point.

Few would argue the signal that an baby kid is wholly dependent on its caregivers, usually its parents, to maintain its well-being, so remaining with the parents seems most logical to secure the child's welfare. However, at that place is no legal provision that links the citizenship status of non-U.S. citizen parents to that of their newborn American child. This becomes an issue when the child is born to illegal immigrants in the U.S., and it is also the source of misconceptions about immigration status in this land that often have subtle… and overt… racial and political undertones.

The "Anchor Baby" Myth
At that place are many Americans who believe that illegal immigrants deliberately plan to have children on U.S. soil in lodge to circumvent the immigration organization and secure legal condition. I will also acknowledge that there are a number of immigrants who believe this to be an effective pathway to U.S. citizenship. These children accept been given the moniker "anchor babies", considering they supposedly stall deportation action confronting their immediate family unit members, who now fall under the protective force field of the baby's legal citizenship status.

Yet, the truth is that a child's citizenship status does cypher to improve her parents' immigration condition in the U.S. The parents remain subject to displacement and any other legal consequences of their illegal status despite having a denizen child. In fact, a 2013 report noted that each year 153,000 citizen children could have 1 or more parent deported if the current detain-and acquit policies remain in identify.

The result is these children are either left in this country with family members, put into the foster care organization, or they return to the habitation state with their family. These children frequently have negative mental health consequences from the stress of losing ane or both parents, a sharp pass up in the family'south income, housing and food security, or facing the unknown, harsh, and oftentimes dangerous environment in the dwelling house countries their families fled due to fear or apple-polishing poverty in the first place.
And then, am I telling you that having a citizen child cannot garner parents U.S. citizenship? No. A citizen child is able to sponsor her parents to get green cards… in one case she turns 21 years old.Fifty-fifty at that fourth dimension, the parents need to meet very specific grapheme criteria in lodge to qualify for lawful permanent resident condition. This is hardly the speedy, jump-to-the-head-of-the-line strategy described in the rhetoric of those who want to limit or revoke birthright status of the children of illegal immigrants. In fact, those in police force and politics know that birthright citizenship serves no immediate benefit to illegal immigrant parents, but those kind of pesky facts do not back up their objective of limiting the growing presence of immigrants in the U.S., particularly from poor countries, nor does it incite the level of rage and fervor in the supporters they seek in gild to further promote an anti-immigration message.Facts are always getting in the mode of personal opinion!

Birth Tourism
In tangentially-related other news, there is a growing practice taking place in the U.Southward., called "nativity tourism." Women from strange countries, mainly China and Russia, are paying tens of thousands of dollars to temporarily relocate to the U.South. during their pregnancy in order to give birth in the U.South. and thereby guarantee U.Due south. citizenship for their child. Needless to say, these are nearly ever women of means who tin afford this practice, and dual U.S. citizenship and passports are seen as status symbols in their habitation countries.

The federal government and immigration authorities are trying to crack down on this practice. As previously mentioned, it is not illegal, per se, to travel to the U.S. and have a baby while you are here. Yet, the popularization of this tendency has spurred an manufacture that assists pregnant women to proceeds visas, lodging, and medical intendance in the U.S. These visas are oftentimes applied for using false statements every bit to why the women are traveling to the U.S., and that is where the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement become involved. Federal authorities couch their concern about birth tourism in the usurping of American laws by foreigners to proceeds the prized benefit of U.S. citizenship. It is a valid concern, but I must annotation that the main objective of these "tourist" is to gain entry to this country through subterfuge in club to acquire citizenship for their children the way they would walk into Tiffany's and purchase the child a precious stone-encrusted rattle. It is sought equally an accessory, not a life-altering or even life-saving opportunity for betterment. I would as well be remiss if I did non mention that this frivolous poaching of the nearly coveted of America's assets – the ability to be a U.South. denizen – is not cartoon the same level of ire from the anti-immigration faction.

pro-immigration protestor

If all our immigrants came from Norway, we would take no problems!
President Trump's recent inflammatory statements most immigrants from countries that he, shall we say, finds less than desirable, evinces the non-so-subtle racial and cultural subtext of this country'due south clearing fence. Information technology is irresponsible and disingenuous for anyone to course an opinion nearly immigration policy in this state without acknowledging that much of the negative rhetoric about immigration references people from poor countries, most of which have brownish-skinned people. That is simply a fact, but once again, nosotros accept noted how annoying facts can exist when they try to compel someone to encounter that their stance Just MIGHT be misinformed or even *GASP* expressionless wrong.

By the style, Norway has a $ane trillion national pension fund for its entire citizenry, and universal wellness care. They will not be clamoring to come to the U.South. anytime soon.


Source: https://oneill.law.georgetown.edu/anchor-babies-birth-tourism-and-most-americans-complete-ignorance-of-immigration-law/

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