Are Humans the Only Animal Who Experience Baby Teeth

Baby in crib chewing on a teething ring

Paul Loven / Getty Images

The signs that your infant is teething aren't e'er as easy to interpret every bit you might recall. It's a common misconception, for example, that their babies are teething when they begin drooling and putting their fingers in their mouth effectually the age of 3 or 4 months. In reality, this is ofttimes simply a developmental milestone that has zip to do with teething.

Very often, even when infants have archetype "teething symptoms," they volition not get their offset tooth for a few more months and sometimes not until they are more than a twelvemonth onetime. In fact, sometimes symptoms that parents remember are signs of teething are actually signs of affliction or infection. That's why it's important for parents to learn how to interpret their babe's symptoms and so that they can tell whether it's but a first tooth or something else that might warrant attention.

Teething Symptoms

Virtually babies showtime teething between four and 7 months, but your kid could starting time as early as 3 months. In fact, some experts don't believe that teething causes any symptoms for most infants. Yet, it's mutual for parents to arraign teething for lots of different symptoms between 6 and 24 months of age.

If teething does crusade symptoms, those symptoms normally just start 4 days before the molar comes in (erupts) and final for nigh three days after.

Teething-related symptoms you might see in your baby include:

  • Bitter toys, fingers, and nipples if breastfeeding
  • Decreased appetite for solid foods
  • Drooling
  • Dry or chapped skin effectually the mouth
  • Ear rubbing
  • Glue rubbing
  • Irritability
  • Sucking on fingers, toys, or article of clothing
  • Waking upward at night

Proceed in mind, the more bothersome symptoms—such equally decreased appetite, difficulty sleeping, or ear rubbing—are most common in the days before the tooth erupts, failing over time. Contrary to popular conventionalities, teething does not concluding for weeks or months on end unless your child has multiple teeth coming in one after another.

Teething and Fever

Teething doesn't crusade fevers. If your baby has a temperature that exceeds 100.4 F, they should be evaluated past their doctor.

Information technology is true that gum inflammation related to teething can cause a slightly elevated temperature, but the spike in temperature will be minor and not plenty to constitute a fever. If your babe does have a fever, it is most likely the result of an unrelated disease or infection, such as an ear or urinary tract infection (UTI).

Babies around the age of half dozen months are at increased risk for infection because they begin to lose the allowed protection from antibodies they were born with. Near babies are besides putting everything in their mouths at this age, which can expose them to bacteria and viruses that might make them ill.

Some parents also incorrectly associate teething with diarrhea, merely while drooling tin loosen stool, it won't cause truthful diarrhea. Diarrhea is serious and tin can atomic number 82 to dehydration.

Teething also doesn't cause rashes, though it is possible for excessive drooling to irritate the skin on your baby's mouth, making information technology wait red, dry, or chapped.

When to Call the Doctor

If your babe has a fever to a higher place 100.4 F, diarrhea, or a rash, call your pediatrician to have their symptoms evaluated. Your child could have a respiratory illness, an ear infection, or some other unrelated status. A delay in treatment, especially with fevers or diarrhea, tin can result in dehydration or other severe complications.

You lot should besides call your doctor if your baby is inconsolable, isn't eating or sleeping well, or if their symptoms last longer than a week.

When in doubt, it is e'er all-time to call your pediatrician. They can assist you place whether your infant's symptoms are due to teething or something more serious.

Ultimately, you know your child all-time. Although about pediatricians don't blame many symptoms on teething, if your child has the aforementioned symptoms every fourth dimension they get a new molar, teething is the likely culprit—specially if the symptoms seem relatively mild and your baby otherwise seems to be well.

Treatments for Teething Symptoms

Not all babies need treatment for teething. If your infant doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, you don't demand to practice anything. If they do seem to exist in pain, yet, in that location are a few things you tin do that might provide some relief:

  • Offer them a teething aid, such as a moisture washcloth or teething rings. Just brand certain that any teether you offer meets electric current safety standards and if you chill the teether, make sure it is just cold but not frozen solid.
  • Serve them a teething beige, common cold food (such as yogurt or purees), or chilled vegetables and fruit in a mesh baby feeder.
  • Gently rub or massage your baby'southward gums with your finger.
  • If your kid is over vi months old, you lot might exist able to offering a hurting reliever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, merely be certain to check with your doctor first to make sure that you give your child the correct (and safe) dose.

If you ofttimes employ medication to comfort your child who you lot think is teething, double-bank check with your pediatrician to brand sure that there isn't another cause for their symptoms.

Teething Treatments to Avoid

There are a number of treatments that are not recommended by pediatricians or the FDA considering they pose safety risks. These include:

  • Benzocaine teething gels, sprays, ointments, or lozenges (such equally Anbesol, Baby Orajel, or Orabase). Not only is topical coldhearted easily swallowed, but it can too pb to a serious, and sometimes fatal, condition chosen methemoglobinemia, which causes too fiddling oxygen to be delivered to the body's cells.
  • Prescription lidocaine gels. Infants are prone to swallowing lidocaine gels. Lidocaine can be toxic, affecting your kid's nervous arrangement and middle.
  • Teething bracelets, necklaces, or other teething jewelry. Annihilation that tin exist worn poses a strangulation risk, especially if your babe can put information technology around their own neck. In addition, most teething jewelry contains amber, forest, marble, or silicone beads, which could suspension or flake off and lead to choking. Others apply string or elastic bands that can snap and your baby could swallow or asphyxiate on a bead. Some of these materials too pose a risk of possible injury to your picayune one'due south sensitive gums, increasing the risk of infection.

A Word From Verywell

Parents often worry that their infant is in a lot of pain when teething begins, just the good news is that for most children, the process is relatively painless. If your baby does seem to be in discomfort, there are things you tin do to help soothe their temporarily inflamed gums. Just be sure you know the signs of something more serious, and if y'all're ever unsure, bank check in with your baby's doctor for advice.

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  7. Food & Drug Administration. Safely soothing teething pain and sensory needs in babies and older children.

  8. Food & Drug Assistants. FDA Drug Condom Communication: FDA recommends not using lidocaine to treat teething pain and requires new Boxed Alarm.


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